Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friends - Personified High Spirits!

Chasing my dreams I came to clouded Mumbai sky,
Rummaging through the list, found my new sty,
Went to the section and found it dispirited and dry,
But new friends made me feel mellow and high!

Came across a lot of people whom I thought were worth a try,
Audaciously approached guys but for girls felt a li’l shy,
Blabbering revealed some were for life while some passer-by,
Withal, friends made me feel mellow and high!

Some came closer coz, for gags, I was the constant supply,
Others because we had chosen the same route to ply,
While some gave the reason as vodka, beer and rye,
This made me feel mellow and high!

Time slipped away and I found mates on whom I can rely,
Wouldn’t look at date or time when my call needs reply,
Will be there forever and never let our bonding wry,
Thanks friends, I truly feel elated and high!

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